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Get Up - Macro Mix

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Disclaimer: This song was used for educational purposes only

     Working on this mix for my Project and Portfolio IV course through Full Sail University was a great learning experience, learning new techniques to enhance my mixing and workflow from instructor Mr. Don Rogozinski. Along with this learning experience I was able to present some of my own mixing skills by mixing, "Get Up," by J. Tesfa.

     I first started off by looking through my session file to ensure everything was organized properly, checked over any notes left in the session, and scanned over each track to see if I could first spot any visual flaws in any of the wave forms. I instantly noticed specific areas through some of the tracks that needed to be leveled out by applying small amounts of clip gain. After this I listened to the reference track and started to raise my faders to match the reference as close as possible, while ensuring there was plenty of headroom left on the master fader to continue working on the mix. Once this was finished I panned out the  instrument and vocal tracks while again, ensuring my levels left a proper amount of headroom. 

     With my levels and panning set where I wanted, I started to add in some dynamic processing by adding compression to the instrument tracks and vocals, then added in an eq where I swept through to find any unnecessary frequencies that needed to be brought down and raised any natural sounds. While working on my dynamic processing I watched my levels to ensure my output matched my input as close as possible not to mess up my initial leveling. 

     The next step after dynamic processing was time-based processing. I routed over the tracks to organized bus sends to add reverb and ambience to any tracks I felt necessary. I also added in an 1/8th note delay to the lead  vocal. By listening closely to the reference mix, I could first solo out each instrument track and attune the send levels as I saw fit, and once I finished with each track I would unsolo and first listen between the reference mix and my mix to ensure it sounded as close as possible as a whole mix.

     Once all my processing was complete I listened through my mix a few times to watch my levels and determine if anything needed to be changed, as I was looking to reach about -8db at this point. Once I was comfortable with my levels I started to work on volume automation adding 1db to some of the instrument tracks and lead vocals, and 1.5db to the BGV.  After all this, I added a fade out to the end of the track and listened through a few more times to ensure my levels left where I wanted them to be, around -6db. 

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